Data & Analytics > Log & Crash Search > User Guide for Logstash SDK

This document describes how to process different types of inputs and outputs by using Logstash.


  • Download Logstash.
  • $ wget
  • Unzip the files.
  • $ tar zxvf logstash-1.5.6.tar.gz

Install and Execute

Refer to Configuring Logstash.

  • Create configuration files for Logstash.
  • Execute with bin/logstash -f

Configure Logstash

Collecting and delivering logs by using Logstash are described as below:

Collect Log & Crash Collector Logs

Below shows how Log & Crash Collector Logs are collected with Logstash.

- Define path for the input, file: an absolute route is required for the path.

input {
  file {
    path => [ "/root/apps/nelo2/collector/logs/*" ]

- Use filter and multiline to combine logs in many lines.

filter {
  ## Collector's Multi-line Log
  multiline {
    pattern => "=+Show Running Statistic=+"
    what => "previous"
  multiline {
    pattern => "OwfsSink:.*\(total=.*increase=.*speed=.*\)"
    what => "previous"
  multiline {
    pattern => "KafkaSink:.*\(total=.*increase=.*speed=.*\)"
    what => "previous"

Deliver Logs to Log & Crash Collector

Below shows how logs are sent to Log & Crash Collector with Logstash.

- Convert Logstash logs to the Log & Crash HTTP REST API format, by using filter and mutate.

filter {
  ## Convert Logstash event to Log & Crash HTTP REST event
  mutate {
    remove_field => [ "@version", "@timestamp", "path", "tags" ]
    rename => {
      "message" => "body"
      "host" => "host"
    add_field => {
      ## TODO:: modify below fields. see>
      "projectName" => "nelo2-webapp"
      "projectVersion" => "0.0.1"
      "logVersion" => "v2"
      "logType" => "logstash"
      "logSource" => "collector"
      "logLevel" => "INFO"
- Remove unnecessary fields by using remove_field: also available to reduce the size of delivered logs.
- Change the field name to fit for Log & Crash HTTP REST API by using rename.
- Add fields required for Log & Crash HTTP REST API by using add field.
    - "projectName": Required, Project name/Appkey
    - "projectVersion": Required, Project version
    - "logVersion": Required, Log format version
    - "logType": Optional, Log type
    - "logSource": Optional, Log source
    - "logLevel": Optional, Log level

- Send to Log & Crash Collector by using output and http.

output {
  http {
    url => ""
    http_method => "post"
    format => "json"
    verify_ssl => false
- Modify URL to the address of Log & Crash Collector to send 
- Address of NHN Cloud Log & Crash Collector:
- The URI must be /v2/log.

Collect Apache Access/Error Logs

Below shows how Apache Access/Error Logs are collected with Logstash.

- Define path for input and file. Define type to tell the difference between access and error.

input {
  file {
    path => [ "/root/logs/apache/access.log.*" ]
    type => "apache-access"
  file {
    path => [ "/root/logs/apache/error.log.*" ]
    type => "apache-error"
- The above path is used in the CAB DEV Web server. Correction is required if the log location is not correct.

- Analyze logs by using filter, grok.

filter {
      if [type] == "apache-access" {
    grok {
      match => { "message" => "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}" }
  if [type] == "apache-error" {
    grok {
      match => { "message" => "%{APACHEERRORLOG}" }
      #patterns_dir => [ "/root/kwonshin/logstash-1.5.6/my-pat.grok" ]
      patterns_dir => [ "./my-pat.grok" ]
- The "apache-access" type adopts "%{COMBINEDAPACHELG}", provided as default by grok.
- The "apache-error" type adopts "%{APACHEERRORLOG}", defined by "./my-pat.grok". 
- my-pat.grok
#APACHEERRORLOG \[%{HTTPERRORDATE:timestamp}\] \[%{WORD:severity}\] \[client %{IPORHOST:clientip}\] %{GREEDYDATA:message_remainder}
APACHEERRORLOG \[%{HTTPERRORDATE:timestamp}\] \[%{WORD:severity}\] %{GREEDYDATA:message_remainder}

- The grok pattern adopted by a bit of logstash cooking has been modified.

Collect Other Logs

Collect other logs in reference of the following URL:

Environment Variables

Logstash supports the following environment variables. The memory volume of Logstash can be configured via LS_HEAP_SIZE.

  • LS_HEAP_SIZE="xxx" size for the -Xmx${LS_HEAP_SIZE} maximum Java heap size option, default is "500m"
  • LS_JAVA_OPTS="xxx" to append extra options to the defaults JAVA_OPTS provided by logstash
  • JAVA_OPTS="xxx" to completely override the defauls set of JAVA_OPTS provided by logstash

Logstash Website Logstash Reference A bit of logstash cooking